One of the cornerstones of our school is our Catholic faith, and we nurture the spirituality of each child through a variety of activities. Religious education is part of our curriculum as a core subject. We begin each school day by reciting a Character Pledge, the Morning Offering prayer, and the Act of Contrition. We end each day by reciting the Lord’s Prayer.
In addition, the celebration of the liturgy plays a vital role in the life of SPCS students. Students attend Mass twice each week and actively participate by serving as readers, hymn leaders, and altar servers.
Our Mass schedule is:
Weekday Mornings at 8am
Tuesday-Middle School
Wednesday- Elementary
Friday - whole school
The entire school also attends Mass on holy days of obligation and other special occasions. Prayer services are held in the classroom, with groups of classes, and for the entire school at various times throughout the year.
During their time at SPCS, students will receive two sacraments. In second grade, students have their first Reconciliation, and third graders celebrate their first Holy Communion.
Students of all ages receive a Guardian Angel pendant during a special ceremony after Mass each October. Our eighth graders go on a spiritual retreat and discuss articles from Northwest Indiana Catholic, the diocesan newspaper. In addition, we celebrate Saint Lucy Day and we have a Saint Nicholas Celebration.
Non-Catholic students participate in all aspects of faith formation and activity except receiving the sacraments.