Saint Paul Catholic School is the best CHOICE for your child's education, thanks to NWI Choice Scholar!
To be eligible, students must meet the following requirements:
Be a resident of Indiana.
Be accepted and enrolled at a participating Choice school in Indiana.
You can find an up to date list of participating Choice schools on the Indiana Department of Education website.
Be between the ages of 5 and 22 no later than October 1 of the current school year.
Meet the income requirements.
Upcoming Events
January 24: Trivia Night (Adults Only)
January 26: Open House (10:30-1:00)
January 27-31: Catholic Schools Week

Why Saint Paul Catholic School

Our elementary and middle school (K-8) is accredited by the State of Indiana, and we recently earned an A rating by the state. SPCS has consistently outperformed the state average in ILEARN -ILEARN measures student achievement and growth according to Indiana Academic Standards for English/Language Arts for grades three through eight, Mathematics for grades three through eight, Science for grades four and six, and Social Studies for grade five.

Saint Paul Catholic School in Numbers
Average Students
Per Classroom
Four Star
School Designation
State-RatedReport Card
Clubs and